Tagged: three liners

Three liners – On hope, luck and melancholy

Hope is omnipresent. It exists in everything around us. It exists all the time. If we strive enough, and are lucky, then it transforms into reality. Or else it manifests as melancholy but strangely hope still lingers on in various forms.

Three liners – On love and relationships

These three liners on love and relationships were written over a period of time. They were kind of note to oneself – not written to be shared. But as I share these; I have mildly reworded some of them to align the context.

Three liners – On birds, fishes and spring

Nature carries the burden of all moods. Nature beholds all the life lessons. All the answers are out there in the open. All one needs to do is observe and decipher. This set of six three liners explores life through the lens of nature.