Three liners – On love and relationships

These three liners on love and relationships were written over a period of time. They were kind of note to oneself – not written to be shared. But as I share these; I have mildly reworded some of them to align the context.

These three liners do not follow the haiku structure though they are inspired by the simplicity and awesomeness of haiku poetry. Presented along with each of the three liners is an illustration, to set the mood.


Always giving, caring, loving…
That is why we take her for granted.


She will come one day, my love,
to merge her existence into mine.
The unpaid slave of my humble soul!


Love comes
in many shapes, colours & shades.
Mine is short and sweet!


Love seeketh no race or place,
no clime or time, no caste or past;
love only seeketh love!


Why does one
become the best friend
of someone else’s spouse?


I do not know many people.
But I know closely, a cat.
There is a cat in every people!


This set of six three liners is the second in the set of three three liners, each of which constitute of six three liners. Links of the other three liners in provided below:

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2 Responses

  1. August 31, 2021

    […] Three liners – On love and relationships […]

  2. September 8, 2021

    […] Three liners – On love and relationships […]

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