Tagged: coronavirus

Covid19 and open windows

Covid19 and open windows

Many papers have been written on the topic of bio-aerosols and there seems to a general agreement about the airborne transmission of Covid19. We need to deconstruct various facets of this reality to come up with viable solutions.

Covid19 and a simple cloth mask

Covid19 and a simple cloth mask

Cloth masks as one of the possible solutions for stopping or slowing down the transmission of Covid19 sounds pretty logical. Looking at the magnitude of the problem, it comes across as a solution too simple to be true.

how will covid19 end?

How will the Covid19 onslaught end?

Present day statistics as well as historical data clearly suggest that the threat of Covid19 will eventually end one day. The human race is here to stay. But what is not known is the price that Covid19 will extract from humanity.