Thinking aloud @!
As I bid my final goodbye, I fondly remember an association of over one and a half decade with a venture which, in terms of scale and involvement, was one of the most challenging, exciting and fulfilling project for me.
Everyone knows that Lord Shiva killed an elephant to resurrect his son. But have you ever wondered what happened to the elephant that was slayed for this divine resurrection. Why don’t we ever talk about that?
If one is willing, it is not tough to empathise with this stark reality of our times. A reality so real that it has made us numb! A reality that seems to have snatched away our basic ability to reason and think!
Chardham pilgrimage is an important and integral part of Uttarakhand tourism. An ambitious chardham road renovation project in underway. But at what cost? And for whom? I have four simple questions for which I seek simple answers.
Being born a Brahmin in not a matter of choice, but Brahmanism is. Till now I have failed to put across this point well. But it is an essential dialogue so here I am, trying it again!
Creative professionals often come across situations where they are asked to create ‘something’ for ‘free’ so that the project can been awarded to them. Such speculative design exercise is a trap not just for the service providers but also the customers.
I never wanted our children to attend formal school. But Deepti wanted them to experience alternate schools prior to taking a final decision in favour of homeschooling. And we did!
When it comes to functioning of government institutions, we often end up making generalized statements about how things will never improve. And improve they will not, until we start making logical and objective assessments of the problems at hand.
The existence and validity of Revenue Police system is not a matter of opinion but a matter of law. This is an attempt to understand the legal perspectives though a Q&A with Advocate Deepak Joshi.
When in distress everyone dials 100. But I cannot. This basic minimum privilege, which every citizen takes for granted, is singularly denied to almost 2/3rd of people living in Uttarakhand. And even the courts acknowledge this illegality.