Category: Law

An encounter that was not

We were told that it was an encounter, but what we witnessed was a murder of sorts. As students, it was learning of a lifetime. We understood that an academic course on political science is quite different from the entire political science.

Seeing justice as done

A heinous crime took place. The perpetrators were convicted and sentenced for life. After fourteen years there was a request for their release. Courts consented. Everything happened within the ambit of law. Except justice!

The fallacy called remedial law

Every piece of law ensures that constitutional promises are well kept and legal remedies are readily available to the citizens. Then why do we need the remedial laws? Does their existence suggest that the existing legal system has failed to keep its part of the promise?

Is homeschooling legal?

The question about legality of homeschooling is matter of concern for many parents. This issue was not relevant until the RTE Act was enacted in 2009. Let us explore the provisions of the bill to understand the legality of the matter.

Justice is your responsibility, Sirs!

When the actions of the topmost court come across as partisan and fruits of justice do not seem to be equally available to all then it is time to tell the courts that they have failed to deliver. It high time our courts ‘own’ the justice system.

The epidemic diseases act simplified

The Epidemic Diseases Act simplified

This is the plain English version of The Epidemic Diseases Act which was formulated in 1897 to deal with the outbreak of bubonic plague in Bombay. Since then the Act has been occasionally deployed to control outbreaks of various diseases.