Thinking aloud @!

My son is reading porn

My friend was horrified. He had just discovered a pornographic magazine in his 14-year-old son’s cupboard. “Shit! My son is reading porn”, he exclaimed. His wife stood next to him, almost in tears. And I stood mum, not knowing what to say.

A homeschooling primer

Though many veteran homeschoolers may disagree, ‘homeschooling’ is a generic umbrella term to represent children growing up without the need to attend a school. And there are many ways to homeschool!

Beef Beef

Societal values are not constant. They not only keep changing with time but are also manipulated, to benefit a few. There is no better means than poetry to expose these inherent contradictions within a society.

Ghosts from the past

I always believed that ragging was a blatant abuse of power. But when my turn came, I ended up making mistakes. Creating ghosts that one can choose to ignore but cannot wish away.

From green to evergreen revolution

A well-grounded person does not give up so easily. After sharing his organic farming worldview in the first open letter, Bhaskar Save-ji goes ahead to clear apprehensions and make valuable suggestions in the next two open letters.

An open letter to the green revolution

Through this open letter to Shri MS Swaminathan, Bhaskar Save-ji hopes that it “…provokes some soul-searching and open debate at all levels on the extremely vital issues involved – so that we do not repeat the same kind of blunders…”